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UNICEF HK appointed 63 secondary students as UNICEF Young Envoys today to promote children’s rights


HONG KONG, 21 August 2015 — 63 secondary school students, who have received nine months of intensive training and shown their determination to promote children’s rights, were appointed as UNICEF Young Envoys today by the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK).
Sixty-threeUNICEF Young Envoys from 58 secondary schools have received a 9-month intensive training from UNICEF HK to learn about children’s rights, the state of world’s children, as well as cultivate sympathy to those in need. From March to May this year, the youths have proactively organized various fundraising and advocacy activities, such as school talks, day camps, game booths, etc, to share the situation of children in developing countries with their peers and encourage them to champion children’s rights together. In July this year, they have visited Cambodia and Yunnan, to witness first-hand the important child-related issues, such as early childhood education, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, as well as water, sanitation and hygiene.

Ms Au King-chi, Chairman of the Advocacy and Public Relations Committee of UNICEF HK said, “We hope to create more opportunities and platforms to engage young people for supporting the work of UNICEF HK. With their hard work and innovative ideas, I believe we can better and further promote UNICEF’s work.” She also expressed gratitude to all principals, teachers and parents for their support to the Programme, including encouraging the Young Envoys to promote children’s rights in a responsible manner while respecting others.

The Young Envoys are not only concerned about the situation of children in developing countries, but also the problems facing children and adolescents in Hong Kong. They have been divided into teams in exploring local child-related issues, and will continue to hold sharing sessions at schools about the Young Envoys and UNICEF’s work.

UNICEF Young Envoys Programme is a distinctive youth leadership scheme established in 1996, aiming to arouse public concern on child rights and the state of children worldwide through empowering a promising group of young people and nurturing them as child rights advocates. The 9-month programme explores students’ potential, oadens their horizons and enhances personal development. In almost two decades, UNICEF HK has nurtured over 1,000 secondary students from more than 140 schools to become Young Envoys, and promote children’s rights to over 30,000 secondary students. Young Envoys have visited different places such as the Philippines, Nepal, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Gansu, Qinghai and Shanxi in China.
The recruitment of UNICEF Young Envoys Programme 2016 will start in September, for more, please visit

Major Sponsor of UNICEF Young Envoys Programme 2015:
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