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UNICEF HK ‘Little Artists Big Dreams Drawing Competition’ HK$2.3 million from CTF Jewellery, CTF Charity Foundation and over 2,000 little artists, makes new record of CCW single-day donations for maternal and child health services in deprived areas


Hong Kong, 19 January 2013 – The Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK) held the “Little Artists Big Dreams Drawing Competition” this afternoon to raise funds for the 20th “China Children’s Week” (CCW). Together with the donations from over 2,000 children who drew their dream hometowns at Victoria Park, and HK$2 million received from Chow Tai Fook Jewellery and Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, more than HK$2.3 million were raised, making new record of CCW single-day donations. The proceed will support UNICEF’s work on maternal and child health services in deprived areas of China, to help children grow up healthily and realise their dreams.

Today, over 2,000 little artists aged under 12 joined the sixth ‘Little Artists Big Dreams Drawing Competition’ at Central Lawn, Victoria Park and drew their dream hometowns. They raised over HK$300,000 for CCW. Besides, the event major sponsors, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery and Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation announced a three-year partnership in support of ‘China Children’s Week’ and UNICEF’s work in China. A cheque of HK$2 million donation was presented to UNICEF HK.

A major part of the above donations raised in CCW will support UNICEF’s ‘Cash Transfers for Deprived Children’ Project, which is executed in 14 counties in Yunnan, Sichuan and Gansu, where the maternal mortality rate and under-five mortality rate is currently very high. Pregnant women will receive a cash subsidy as an incentive to get medical care for themselves and their babies, such as postnatal and antenatal checkup, giving birth in hospital and immunisation for infants. In these deprived areas, many poor families deliver babies at home considering suspending work and long travelling distance, despite giving birth in hospital and some healthcare services are free of charge for them.

“Every child grow up healthily is such a simple wish,” said Mr Johnny Ng, Vice-Chairman of UNICEF HK. “However, noted from our colleagues in China, many children living in remote areas are still suffering from life-threatening diseases because of the lack of medical care. I am very glad to see we all stay with the deprived children in China, and the little artists here lighting up the spirit of 'kids helping kids', joining us to make the dream come true.”

Mr Kent Wong, Managing Director of Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited and Vice-Chairman of Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation said, “We donated HK$2 million as the sponsorship for the first year’s project, aiming to work on maternal and child health services in deprived areas of China. In the meanwhile, we also committed a three-year partnership with UNICEF so as to provide quality education for deprived children, and help them to realise dreams.” Besides, part of the HK$2 million donations made by the two major sponsors will be used to support the Chinese language and ethnic language training for teachers to improve the quality schooling for ethnic minority children.

To show care and support of Hong Kong people towards children and women in China, UNICEF HK Ambassador Ms Gigi Leung and Xanxus Kwan, a local young artist who is the Champion of the 10th International Art Competition, created a joint artwork Dreams in your hands, Fly high for kids which portrays a “hometown” with love; a shelter to protect our love ones and to enable children to chase their dreams and fly high. Xanxus shared that his family once faced financial challenges that he had to work part time in fast food shop after school, but he still hadn’t given up his dream, he said, “I feel happy and blissful to help realise children’s dreams, and I truly believe every child has their own dreams. I wish every child can make his or her dreams come true.” Xanxus has also illustrated for UNICEF HK’s celeation on Global Handwashing Day before.

‘China Children’s Week 2013 – Little Artists Big Dreams Drawing Competition’ has come to the sixth year. The Competition divides participants into three age groups, each with first, second and third prize, and 20 consolation prizes. ‘Most Popular Dream Hometown Online’ Competition will be launched from 28 January, where everyone is welcome to visit the Facebook page “UNICEF Hong Kong” to support for your favourite pieces. Winner will receive a set of UNICEF T-shirts and get a chance to be featured in the Facebook Page with his or her art piece. Results will be announced on UNICEF website ( from 6 Feuary onwards.

The ‘Little Artists Big Dreams Drawing Competition’ also marked the 20th anniversary of CCW. Since 1993, CCW accumulatively raised over HK$100 million to facilitate children’s welfare in China, including polio, maternal and neonatal tetanus eradication and support for children in poverty etc. Besides the Competition, starting from tomorrow, UNICEF HK will organise “Red Packet Charity Sales” every weekend at some MTR stations and shopping malls until 3 Feuary to support the 'Cash Transfers for Deprived Children’ Project. Public can also visit to order red packets online until 25 January.

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